2024 - 2025 General Surgery Candidate Slate

The Chair-elect shall preside at all meetings of the discipline and/or the discipline’s Executive Committee in the event of the temporary disability or absences by the Chair, and shall perform all duties delegated to him/her by the Chair or the Executive Committee. In order to serve as the discipline Chair-elect, the candidate must be a Fellow of the ACOS (FACOS). The Chair-elect shall serve one (1) term of two (2) years, and shall succeed to the office of Chair at the end of the Chair’s term of two years. In the event of the resignation or death of the Chair-elect, the office shall remain vacant until the next meeting of the discipline, at which time a Chair-elect shall be elected. In the event of the resignation of death of the Chair, or if the Chair shall, for any reason, be unable or unqualified to serve, the Chair-elect shall fill the office of Chair during the balance of the Chair’s term and then automatically succeed to the role of discipline Chair.


Daniel Wu, D.O., FACOS

Daniel Wu, D.O., FACOS CV
Daniel Wu, D.O., FACOS Letter of Intent  



The Secretary shall ensure the accurate recording and maintenance of all proceedings of the discipline and the Executive Committee. He/She shall serve one (1) term of two (2) years. He/She shall ensure that accurate records are kept of all discipline members, and perform such other duties as legally required or otherwise assigned by the Executive Committee. Any of the duties of the Secretary may, by action of the Executive Committee, be assigned to ACOS staff with the prior approval of the ACOS CEO. In the event of the resignation or death of the Chair and the Chair-elect, and if the Chair and Chair-elect shall, for any reason, be unable or unqualified to serve, the Secretary shall fill the office of the Chair until the next meeting of the discipline, at which time a Chair and Chair-elect shall be elected. In the event of the resignation or death of the Secretary, the Chair shall appoint a member of the discipline to the office for the balance of the unexpired term


Victoria Schlanser, D.O., FACOS

Victoria Schlanser, D.O., FACOS CV
Victoria Schlanser, D.O., FACOS Letter of Intent  

Andrea R. Hufford, D.O., FACOS
Andrea R. Hufford, D.O., FACOS CV  
Andrea R. Hufford, D.O., FACOS, Letter of Intent


Representatives to the ACOS Board of Governors shall be elected at the annual general membership meeting, following the election of officers of the discipline, in accordance with the discipline’s bylaws and the bylaws of the ACOS. Election of the position of Governor to Board of Governors shall be for a term of three (3) years. Governors may not serve more than two (2) successive terms or three (3) successive terms provided one term is served as discipline chair. Representatives to the Board of Governors are charged to represent the viewpoint of the majority of the membership of the discipline. They shall make regular reports to the executive committee and membership after every meeting of the ACOS Board of Governors. In the case of resignation or death of a Governor on the ACOS Board of Governors and with the approval of the discipline Executive committee, the Chair will appoint a member to that position only until the time of the next annual meeting when an election shall be held to fill that position for the remainder of the unexpired term.


Sean A. Nix, DO, FACOS

Sean A. Nix, D.O. FACOS, FACS CV
Sean A. Nix, D.O. FACOS, FACS Letter of Intent     

Charles H. Durmis, DO, FACOS
Charles H. Durmis, DO, FACOS CV
Charles H. Durmis, DO, FACOS Letter of Intent       

Shannon M. Davis, D.O., FACOS
Shannon M. Davis, D.O., FACOS CV  
Shannon M. Davis, D.O., FACOS Letter of Intent   

Daniel Pacella, D.O., FACOS
Daniel Pacella, D.O., FACOS CV   
Daniel Pacella, D.O., FACOS Letter of Intent